Ladies Service Group: Thursday, August 1st at 10:00AM
All ladies are invited to participate in our monthly hands-on service opportunity. Bring a sack lunch to enjoy some fellowship time after our project is complete.

Euchre Night: Friday, August 2nd at 6:30PM
Everyone is invited to play Euchre! Cards are provided.

Bartlett Women in Ministry: Saturday, August 10th at 9:30AM
All ladies are invited to participate!

Seniors on the Go: Tuesday, August 13th at Noon
You are invited to be part of our senior adult group, Seniors on the Go! For this month's gathering, we will meet at Bartlett Chapel for lunch and a program. Adeline Kolsto will be sharing about her adventures in Australia. If you are planning to attend, please contact the church office.


Men's Service Group: 1st and 3rd Mondays of August at 8:30AM
All men are invited to participate in fellowship and service to the church. In August, we are meeting on Monday the 5th and Monday the 19th.

Please check our online calendar below for the most current schedule.


Upcoming Events